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Vaesen - Lost Mountain Saga (Adventure Module, Hardback)

36,99 €*

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Produktnummer: 2100000106448
Produktinformationen "Vaesen - Lost Mountain Saga (Adventure Module, Hardback)"

An ancient stone has been discovered in the dark caves of the Mythic North. Protected for thousands of years by creatures no longer walking this earth, these sacred stones were never meant to be found. However, as is the nature of human curiosity and greed, exploitation soon begins with little regard for potential risks or consequences.

The Lost Mountain Saga is an epic campaign of five Mysteries for Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying. Players can expect to encounter ancient mysteries, old Nordic folk tales, social intrigue, and unspeakable horrors lurking in every shadow as they travel across the North and slowly uncover the truth.

The Lost Mountain Saga is written by actor and podcaster Ellinor DiLorenzo and based on her original podcast with the same name but expanded and modified for this official release. The hardback book is beautifully illustrated by Johan Egerkrans and Anton Vitus.

“As a Swede living in the United States who mostly plays with Americans, The Lost Mountain Saga was a way for me to bring everything that excites me about my own culture and customs to the table. From the sacred ritual of fika, to the often-romanticized Viking heritage, to some of our questionable political movements and of course, the terrifying creatures that used to haunt my dreams when I was a kid.”

–Ellinor DiLorenzo

The Lost Mountain Saga includes:

Chapter 1: DUTY AND DESPAIR Mysterious accidents plague the Swedish mining town of Falun, and a pious man takes it upon himself to get to the bottom of the problem - which he is convinced is the result of moral depravity and witchcraft. But something far more wicked is luring in the dark caverns.

Chapter 2: THE BEGINNING OF THE FALL The University of Upsala is hosting an exclusive ball rumored to reveal something that will shake the scientific community to its core. But in the midst of all the excitement, there are alarming reports that the Asylum is getting overcrowded due to an unexplained uptick in admitted patients.

Chapter 3: WHERE THE SUN DIES An island off the coast of northern Norway is in distress, and all previous rescue attempts have failed. As winter approaches, the authorities hire a team of experts to discover the truth. What follows is one of the most dangerous missions the Society has ever embarked upon.

Chapter 4: THE PRINCE & THE WITCH The ancient spring celebration of Valborg is close, eager to enchant those who participate. But within the rich history of the surrounding forests of the celebration, secrets are waiting to be uncovered.

Chapter 5: THE LOST MOUNTAIN SAGA An ancient stone has been discovered in the dark caves of the Abisko region in the north of Sweden. Protected for thousands of years by creatures no longer walking this earth, these sacred stones were never meant to be found. However, as is the nature of human curiosity and greed, exploitation soon begins with little regard for potential risks or consequences.


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Vaesen - Lost Mountain Saga (Adventure Module, Hardback)
An ancient stone has been discovered in the dark caves of the Mythic North. Protected for thousands of years by creatures no longer walking this earth, these sacred stones were never meant to be found. However, as is the nature of human curiosity and greed, exploitation soon begins with little regard for potential risks or consequences.The Lost Mountain Saga is an epic campaign of five Mysteries for Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying. Players can expect to encounter ancient mysteries, old Nordic folk tales, social intrigue, and unspeakable horrors lurking in every shadow as they travel across the North and slowly uncover the truth.The Lost Mountain Saga is written by actor and podcaster Ellinor DiLorenzo and based on her original podcast with the same name but expanded and modified for this official release. The hardback book is beautifully illustrated by Johan Egerkrans and Anton Vitus.“As a Swede living in the United States who mostly plays with Americans, The Lost Mountain Saga was a way for me to bring everything that excites me about my own culture and customs to the table. From the sacred ritual of fika, to the often-romanticized Viking heritage, to some of our questionable political movements and of course, the terrifying creatures that used to haunt my dreams when I was a kid.”–Ellinor DiLorenzoThe Lost Mountain Saga includes:Chapter 1: DUTY AND DESPAIR Mysterious accidents plague the Swedish mining town of Falun, and a pious man takes it upon himself to get to the bottom of the problem - which he is convinced is the result of moral depravity and witchcraft. But something far more wicked is luring in the dark caverns.Chapter 2: THE BEGINNING OF THE FALL The University of Upsala is hosting an exclusive ball rumored to reveal something that will shake the scientific community to its core. But in the midst of all the excitement, there are alarming reports that the Asylum is getting overcrowded due to an unexplained uptick in admitted patients.Chapter 3: WHERE THE SUN DIES An island off the coast of northern Norway is in distress, and all previous rescue attempts have failed. As winter approaches, the authorities hire a team of experts to discover the truth. What follows is one of the most dangerous missions the Society has ever embarked upon.Chapter 4: THE PRINCE & THE WITCH The ancient spring celebration of Valborg is close, eager to enchant those who participate. But within the rich history of the surrounding forests of the celebration, secrets are waiting to be uncovered.Chapter 5: THE LOST MOUNTAIN SAGA An ancient stone has been discovered in the dark caves of the Abisko region in the north of Sweden. Protected for thousands of years by creatures no longer walking this earth, these sacred stones were never meant to be found. However, as is the nature of human curiosity and greed, exploitation soon begins with little regard for potential risks or consequences. 
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